Thunderbolts (2024)

“Thunderbolts” (2024) is an upcoming film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), drawing from the Marvel Comics team of the same name. The Thunderbolts are a unique group of antiheroes, primarily consisting of reformed supervillains who strive for redemption and heroism. The film promises to delve into themes of redemption, identity, and the nature of heroism, continuing the complex narrative established in the comics.


Background: The Thunderbolts first appeared in Marvel Comics in January 1997, created by Kurt Busiek and Mark Bagley. Initially presented as a new team of heroes who stepped in after the Avengers were presumed dead, the Thunderbolts’ true identity as the Masters of Evil—classic villains—was revealed in a dramatic twist. Over time, the team attempted to shed their villainous past and become genuine heroes, with notable leadership under characters like Hawkeye.


In the Film:

  • Ryan Reynolds is set to star in a prominent role, bringing his signature charisma and wit to the MCU. The film is expected to feature a mix of action, dark humor, and character-driven drama, aligning with Reynolds’ style and the Thunderbolts’ thematic focus on redemption.
  • The ensemble cast will likely include a mix of established MCU actors and new faces, reflecting the diverse and complex nature of the Thunderbolts team.
  • The plot will explore the team’s struggle with their pasts, their efforts to prove themselves as heroes, and their interactions with other Marvel characters and factions.

“Thunderbolts” (2024) is anticipated to be a fresh and engaging addition to the MCU, offering a new take on antihero dynamics and adding depth to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s ongoing storylines.