The Mist (2007)

“The Mist” is a gripping horror film directed by Frank Darabont, adapted from Stephen King’s novella. Set in a small town, the story unfolds when a mysterious mist descends, enveloping the area and trapping a group of people inside a supermarket. As they discover that the mist hides deadly, otherworldly creatures, tensions escalate among the survivors.


The film centers on David Drayton (Thomas Jane) and his son, navigating the escalating fear and hysteria within the group while facing the monstrous threats lurking outside. Themes of human nature, faith, and survival are explored as the characters grapple with their inner demons and the harrowing external dangers.



May be an image of 2 people and fog

May be an image of 3 people“The Mist” is renowned for its shocking and deeply impactful ending, which challenges audience expectations and leaves a lasting impression. With its atmospheric tension, compelling performances, and exploration of psychological horror, the film remains a standout in the genre, offering a profound exploration of fear and desperation in the face of the unknown.

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